#include #include void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int myrank, nprocs, leftid, rightid; int val, sum, tmp; MPI_Status wait_status; MPI_Request recv_request; /*----------------*/ /* Initialize MPI */ /*----------------*/ MPI_Init(&argc, &argv); /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Find out my rank and size using global communicator MPI_COMM_WORLD */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ MPI_XXXX_XXXX(XXX_XXXX_XXXXX, &myrank); MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &XXXXXX); /*--------------------*/ /* Find out neighbors */ /*--------------------*/ if ((leftid=(myrank-1)) < 0) leftid = nprocs-1; if ((rightid=(myrank+1)) == nprocs) rightid = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Send the process rank stored as val to the process on my right and */ /* receive a process rank from the process on my left and store as tmp */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ val = myrank; sum = 0; do { MPI_XXXXX(&tmp,1, XXX_XXX, leftid, 99, XXX_XXXX_XXXXX, &XXXX_XXXXXXX); MPI_Ssend(&val,1,MPI_INT,rightid,99, XXX_XXXX_XXXXX); MPI_Wait(&XXXX_XXXXXXX,&wait_status); val = tmp; sum += val; } while (val != myrank); /*--------------------------*/ /* Print the output message */ /*--------------------------*/ printf("Proc %d sum = %d \n", myrank, sum); /*-----------------------*/ /* Exit and finalize MPI */ /*-----------------------*/ MPI_XXXXXXXX(); }