program laplace implicit none include 'XXXXXX' integer NPROC integer NR ! Number of Rows integer NC ! Number of Cols integer NCL ! Number of Cols per PE parameter (NPROC=4, NR=1000, NC=1000, NCL=NC/NPROC) integer LEFT ! Tag for messages left integer RIGHT ! Tag for messages right integer ROOT ! The root PE parameter (LEFT=100, RIGHT=101, ROOT=0) real*8 t(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1), told(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1) real*8 dt ! Delta T real*8 dtg ! Delta T global integer npes ! Number of PEs integer mype ! My PE number integer niter ! Iter counter integer status(MPI_STATUS_SIZE) ! Error Status integer i, j, iter, ierr C *-----------------* C * Initialize MPI * C *-----------------* call XXXXXXXX(XXXX) C *----------------------------------------* C * Determine size of global communicator * C *----------------------------------------* call XXXXXXXXXXXXX(MPI_COMM_WORLD, XXXX, ierr) C *-----------------------------------------------* C * Determine my rank in the global communicator * C *-----------------------------------------------* call XXXXXXXXXXXXX(XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, mype, ierr) call initialize( t ) ! Give initial guesss of 0. call set_bcs( t, mype, npes ) ! Set the Boundary values do i=0, NR+1 ! Copy the values into told do j=0, NCL+1 told(i,j) = t(i,j) enddo enddo C *-------------------------------------------------* C * Do Computation on Sub-grid for Niter iterations * C *-------------------------------------------------* niter=1000 Do 100 iter=1,niter Do j=1,NCL Do i=1,NR T(i,j) = 0.25 * ( Told(i+1,j)+Told(i-1,j)+ + Told(i,j+1)+Told(i,j-1) ) Enddo Enddo dt = 0 Do j=1,NCL ! Copy for next iteration Do i=1,NR dt = max( abs(t(i,j) - told(i,j)), dt ) Told(i,j) = T(i,j) Enddo Enddo if (mype .lt. npes-1) C *------------------------------------------------------------------* C * Send my data to the processor on the right; Only npes-1 do this * C *------------------------------------------------------------------* & call XXXXXXXX(T(1,NCL), NR, XXXXXXXX, mype+1, XXXXX, & MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) if (mype .ne. 0) C *--------------------------------------------------------------------* C * Sending my data to the processor on the left ; Only npes-1 do this * C *--------------------------------------------------------------------* & call XXXXXXXX(T(1,1 ), XX, MPI_REAL, XXXXXX, LEFT, & XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ierr) if (mype .ne. 0) C *---------------------------------------------------* C * Receive new data from LEFT processor of any source * C *---------------------------------------------------* & call XXXXXXXX(T(1,0), NR, MPI_REAL, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, & RIGHT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, XXXXXX, ierr) if (mype .ne. npes-1) C *------------------------------------------------------* C * Receive new data from RIGHT processsor of any source * C *------------------------------------------------------* & call XXXXXXXX(T(1,NCL+1), XX, XXXXXXXX, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, & XXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, status, ierr) C *---------------------------------------------------------------------* C * Detemermine max value from all processor calculations using reduce * C *---------------------------------------------------------------------* call XXXXXXXXXX(dt, dtg, X, MPI_REAL, XXXXXXX, ROOT, & XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ierr) C *------------------------* C * Print some test values * C *------------------------* If( mod(iter,100).eq.0 ) then if( mype.eq.0 ) then write(*,1) iter, mype, T(10,10) 1 format('Iter = ',i5,' PE = ',I4,' T(10,10) = ',f20.8) endif endif C *---------------------------------------------------------------* C * All processors in the global communicator wait at the barrier * C *---------------------------------------------------------------* call XXXXXXXXXXX( XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, ierr ) 100 CONTINUE ! End of iteration call XXXXXXXXXXXX(ierr) ! Finalize MPI END ! End of Program C *-----------------------------------------------------* C * Initialize all the values to 0. as a starting value * C *-----------------------------------------------------* subroutine initialize( t ) implicit none integer NPROC, NR, NC, NCL, MXITER parameter (NPROC=4, NR=1000, NC=1000, NCL=NC/NPROC, MXITER=1000) real*8 t(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1), told(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1) integer i, j do i=0, NR+1 do j=0, NCL+1 t(i,j) = 0 enddo enddo return end C *----------------------------------------------------------------* C * Set the values at the boundary. Values at the boundary do not * C * Change through out the execution of the program * C *----------------------------------------------------------------* subroutine set_bcs( t, mype, npes ) implicit none integer NPROC, NR, NC, NCL, MXITER parameter (NPROC=4, NR=1000, NC=1000, NCL=NC/NPROC, MXITER=1000) real*8 t(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1), told(0:NR+1,0:NCL+1) integer i, j, mype, npes if( mype.eq.0 ) then do i=0,NR+1 ! Left boundary T(i,0 ) = 100.0 enddo endif if( mype.eq.npes-1 ) then do i=0,NR+1 ! Right boundary T(i,NCL+1) = 100.0 enddo endif do j=0,NCL+1 ! Set Top and Bottom Boundaries T(0 ,j) = 100.0 T(NR+1,j) = 100.0 enddo return end